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macOS Bookmark data is similar to Windows Shortcut artifacts. It points to another file on the system. Bookmark data is sometimes found in plist files. Example artifacts include:

  • LoginItems
  • Office MRU files


You have to use the artemis api in order to parse Bookmark data.

Sample API Script

import { parseBookmark } from "./artemis-api/src/macos/bookmark.ts";
function main() {
// Need to obtain Bookmark bytes from another file. Plist files may have bookmark data.
const results = parseBookmark(new Uint8Array());

Output Structure

A BookmarkData object structure

export interface BookmarkData {
/**Path to file */
path: string;
/**Path represented as Catalog Node ID */
cnid_path: string;
/**Created timestamp of target file */
created: string;
/**Path to the volume of target file */
volume_path: string;
/**Target file URL type */
volume_url: string;
/**Name of volume target file is on */
volume_name: string;
/**Volume UUID */
volume_uuid: string;
/**Size of target volume in bytes */
volume_size: number;
/**Created timestamp of volume */
volume_created: string;
/**Volume Property flags */
volume_flags: VolumeFlags[];
/**Flag if volume if the root filesystem */
volume_root: boolean;
/**Localized name of target file */
localized_name: string;
/**Read-Write security extension of target file */
security_extension_rw: string;
/**Read-Only security extension of target file */
security_extension_ro: string;
/**File property flags */
target_flags: TargetFlags[];
/**Username associated with `Bookmark` */
username: string;
/**Folder index number associated with target file */
folder_index: number;
/**UID associated with `Bookmark` */
uid: number;
/**`Bookmark` creation flags */
creation_options: CreationFlags[];
/**Is target file executable */
is_executable: boolean;
/**Does target file have file reference flag */
file_ref_flag: boolean;

export enum TargetFlags {
RegularFile = "RegularFile",
Directory = "Directory",
SymbolicLink = "SymbolicLink",
Volume = "Volume",
Package = "Package",
SystemImmutable = "SystemImmutable",
UserImmutable = "UserImmutable",
Hidden = "Hidden",
HasHiddenExtension = "HasHiddenExtension",
Application = "Application",
Compressed = "Compressed",
CanSetHiddenExtension = "CanSetHiddenExtension",
Readable = "Readable",
Writable = "Writable",
Executable = "Executable",
AliasFile = "AliasFile",
MountTrigger = "MountTrigger",

export enum CreationFlags {
MinimalBookmark = "MinimalBookmark",
SuitableBookmark = "SuitableBookmark",
SecurityScope = "SecurityScope",
SecurityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess = "SecurityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess",
WithoutImplicitSecurityScope = "WithoutImplicitSecurityScope",
PreferFileIDResolutionMask = "PreferFileIDResolutionMask",

export enum VolumeFlags {
Local = "Local",
Automount = "Automount",
DontBrowse = "DontBrowse",
ReadOnly = "ReadOnly",
Quarantined = "Quarantined",
Ejectable = "Ejectable",
Removable = "Removable",
Internal = "Internal",
External = "External",
DiskImage = "DiskImage",
FileVault = "FileVault",
LocaliDiskMirror = "LocaliDiskMirror",
Ipod = "Ipod",
Idisk = "Idisk",
Cd = "Cd",
Dvd = "Dvd",
DeviceFileSystem = "DeviceFileSystem",
TimeMachine = "TimeMachine",
Airport = "Airport",
VideoDisk = "VideoDisk",
DvdVideo = "DvdVideo",
BdVideo = "BdVideo",
MobileTimeMachine = "MobileTimeMachine",
NetworkOptical = "NetworkOptical",
BeingRepaired = "BeingRepaired",
Unmounted = "Unmounted",
SupportsPersistentIds = "SupportsPersistentIds",
SupportsSearchFs = "SupportsSearchFs",
SupportsExchange = "SupportsExchange",
SupportsSymbolicLinks = "SupportsSymbolicLinks",
SupportsDenyModes = "SupportsDenyModes",
SupportsCopyFile = "SupportsCopyFile",
SupportsReadDirAttr = "SupportsReadDirAttr",
SupportsJournaling = "SupportsJournaling",
SupportsRename = "SupportsRename",
SupportsFastStatFs = "SupportsFastStatFs",
SupportsCaseSensitiveNames = "SupportsCaseSensitiveNames",
SupportsCasePreservedNames = "SupportsCasePreservedNames",
SupportsFlock = "SupportsFlock",
SupportsNoRootDirectoryTimes = "SupportsNoRootDirectoryTimes",
SupportsExtendedSecurity = "SupportsExtendedSecurity",
Supports2TbFileSize = "Supports2TbFileSize",
SupportsHardLinks = "SupportsHardLinks",
SupportsMandatoryByteRangeLocks = "SupportsMandatoryByteRangeLocks",
SupportsPathFromId = "SupportsPathFromId",
Journaling = "Journaling",
SupportsSparseFiles = "SupportsSparseFiles",
SupportsZeroRunes = "SupportsZeroRunes",
SupportsVolumeSizes = "SupportsVolumeSizes",
SupportsRemoteEvents = "SupportsRemoteEvents",
SupportsHiddenFiles = "SupportsHiddenFiles",
SupportsDecmpFsCompression = "SupportsDecmpFsCompression",
Has64BitObjectIds = "Has64BitObjectIds",
PropertyFlagsAll = "PropertyFlagsAll",